
If you can add any data to the Davies family tree please feel free to contact me, if you think you may be related directly or by marriage then please share the information, I can offer the full family tree details, with research notes and sources, to anyone who is researching trees that may join with mine.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Slow research

It has been some time since I actually did any real work on the Davies line, basically because I have done lots of work on my mothers family.

The Grist line has been traced back to the late 1400's and upwards of 150 people have been added to my tree, plus I have found 4 living cousins in California, England and Wales.

I have also created an online website at My Heritage. Despite it being named Worldwide Geleick's it does contain the full family tre - so far! So the Grist, Davies, Jones Edwards, etc. all all there.